
KIP Service luo suurteollisuudelle toimintaympäristön ja
kumppanuusverkoston tarjoten hyödykkeitä, palveluja ja ratkaisuja, jotka lisäävät toimijoiden onnistumista, kilpailukykyä ja toimintavarmuutta.

Knowledge and agility

We respond quickly to our partners’ needs and actively interact with changing circumstances. We educate ourselves and others so we always have the current knowledge.

Innovation and involvement

We are competent and productive, we are constantly looking for new and more effective ways to act with integrity and common interest in mind. We create best practices in our industry – we are trendsetters.

Professionalism and development

We genuinely want to provide versatile and high-quality services for our partners. We offer new solutions and fresh perspectives for our industry.

Success and co-operation

We keep our promises and do our best. Our goal is to exceed the expectations of our partners.

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